The Norwich to Tilbury project will support the UK’s net zero target through the connection of new low carbon energy generation and by reinforcing the region's transmission network.
Norwich to Tilbury is a proposal by National Grid Electricity Transmission (National Grid) to reinforce the high voltage power network in East Anglia between the existing substations at Norwich Main in Norfolk, Bramford in Suffolk, and Tilbury in Essex, as well as connect new offshore wind generation.
We are proposing to build approximately 184 km of new electricity transmission reinforcement between Norwich and Tilbury. This will be made up mostly of overhead line and pylons, along with some underground cables and a new 400 kV substation. Our proposals are part of The Great Grid Upgrade – the largest overhaul of the grid in generations.
Norwich to Tilbury will play a vital role in delivering electricity efficiently, reliably, and safely and will support the UK’s move to reduce carbon emissions.
The way we generate electricity in the UK is changing rapidly and we're transitioning to cheaper, cleaner and more secure forms of energy, like new offshore windfarms. We need to make changes to the network of overhead lines, pylons, cables and other infrastructure that transports electricity around the country, so that everyone has access to the clean electricity from these new renewable sources.
The Government has set a commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and an ambition to connect 50 GW of offshore wind by 2030 – enough energy to power every home in the country.
To achieve this, offshore wind is being developed at scale and around 60% of the current offshore wind projects will come ashore along the East Coast.
Couple this with new nuclear generation proposed at Sizewell C and greater interconnection with countries across the North Sea, we expect to see a significant increase in the level of renewable and low carbon electricity generation connecting in East Anglia.
While our existing high voltage electricity network in East Anglia has been sufficient until today, it doesn’t have the capability needed to reliably and securely transport all the energy that will be connected by 2030 while working to the required standards.
In the first half of this decade, we are investing significantly in upgrading the existing network, but that still won’t deliver the capability that is needed. We need to reinforce the region’s network and to increase the network capability to carry the clean green energy that is proposed.
We are committed to working with local communities as we develop our plans. We want local residents to have the opportunity to access the new jobs, business opportunities and positive biodiversity and environmental improvements that The Great Grid Upgrade can deliver.
East Anglia’s 400,000 volts (400 kV) electricity transmission network was built in the 1960s to supply regional demand, centred around Norwich and Ipswich. With the growth in new energy generation from offshore wind, nuclear power and interconnection with other countries, there will be more electricity connected in East Anglia than the network can currently accommodate.
Over the next decade we expect over 15,000 MW of new generation and 4,500 MW of new interconnection will need to connect in the region.
This includes:
In its current state, the high voltage electricity network in East Anglia doesn't have sufficient capacity to accommodate this new generation which is why Norwich to Tilbury is needed.
Our proposals include building a new 400,000 volts (400 kV) electricity overhead transmission line, work at existing substations and building a new substation to connect new proposed offshore wind farms to the electricity transmission network.
Certain types of energy infrastructure fall within the categories of Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), which require a Development Consent Order (DCO) under the Planning Act 2008. As our current plans propose more than 2 km of overhead line, we expect the project would be classified as an NSIP.
Both this consultation and the consultation we held in spring 2022 are ‘non-statutory’. We are delivering our consultations in line with Government guidance for consulting on NSIPs. As part of the DCO process, we would also carry out a ‘statutory’ consultation before submitting a DCO application. All feedback received will be recorded and reported in our final Consultation Report, including how we have had regard to your comments. The Consultation Report would form part of our application for development consent.
Further information on the DCO process is available on the Planning Inspectorate’s website.
The indicative timeline below details our anticipated development programme, including when we will consult on our proposals and when you will be able to share your views.